Given the events in Iran, IUB undergrads may be interested in the course I am scheduled to teach on Iran in the Fall--
Prophets, Poets, and Kings: Iranian Civilization, CEUS-R 351 11387 (undergraduate course), 3 credits.
Fulfills the College’s Cultural Studies list A as well as Social & Historical Studies (S&H) requirements. Cross-listed with Honors College, Medieval Studies, NELC, and Religious Studies. Classes meet on Mondays and Wednesdays from 1:00-2:15 pm in WY 115.
Course Description:
This course traces the history, beliefs, and culture of Iranians from ancient times through the Arab conquest to the twenty-first century. It focuses on politics, administrative and social institutions, religions including Zoroastrianism, Manichaeism, and Islam (Sunnism, Shi‘ism, and Sufism), relationship between secular and ecclesiastic hierarchies, status of minorities, devotional and communal change, and Iranian influences on other cultures. Lectures and discussions cover the Achaemenian, Parthian, Sasanian, Umayyad, ‘Abbasid, Samanid, Buyid, Seljuk, Mongol, Timurid, Safavid, Qajar, and Pahlavi dynasties, and the Islamic republic. Readings include the analysis of primary textual materials in translation. Visual aids will be used in class. No previous knowledge or course prerequisites are needed.
Dr. Jamsheed K. Choksy
Professor of Iranian Studies in Department of Central Eurasian Studies
Professor of History
Professor of India Studies
Adjunct Professor of Religious Studies
Affiliated Faculty of Ancient Studies, of Medieval Studies,
and of the Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies Program
Goodbody Hall 157
1011 East Third Street
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405-7005, USA
Telephone: 812-855-8643
Facsimile: 812-855-7500