Friday, May 4, 2007

Proctor & Gamble Seeking Current Sophomores (2009 IU Graduates)

Proctor & Gamble is seeking out 2009 IU graduates (current sophomores) for a fantastic summer opportunity. Consumer Market Research brings in a pool of very talented students for one week each summer to participate in a Consumer Strategy Workshop. During this time, the students are able to work as part of a business team to learn how Market Research can be applied in the real world, and specifically at P&G. This week long workshop is all expenses paid and a great way for students to get a hands-on experience in Market Research.

Consumer & Market Knowledge
2007 Consumer Strategy Workshop
August 5-August 10, 2007 in Cincinnati, Ohio
Procter & Gamble World Headquarters

How To Apply

There are 8 easy steps to apply for the P&G Consumer Strategy Workshop:
1. Go to this link:
2. Click on the link that says “View Jobs and Apply”
3. In the “keyword or job search number” field of the ‘Search Controls’ box enter job number:
CMK00000409 (‘CMK’ + five zeros + ’409’).
4. Click on the ‘Student Program/Seminar – CMK -- Market Research -- Consumer Strategy
Workshop –Temporary link from the job list box.
5. Click the ‘Apply Online’ button to start the online application procedure.
6. Read the Legal Statement Agreement and click “I Agree”
7. Apply!!
8. If you meet all the requirements in the application you will be directed to take the P&G
assessment. If you don’t have time to complete the assessment you can request a link to be
sent to your e-mail address.

Application deadline: July 1, 2007. Spaces are limited! Apply now!