Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Get Your 30 Minutes of Fame!

The Career Development Center is looking for experienced juniors and seniors to share their advice with freshmen and sophomores in our Q294 (Basic Career Development) course. If you've had experience with student organizations, volunteer work, internships, and/or study abroad programs, this is a great chance to inspire other students! The dates and times of the Q294 student panel sessions are:


12254 Tues. April 8 11:15a Career Development Center

12253 Wed. April 9 11:15a Career Development Center

12259 Wed. April 9 2:30p Career Development Center

12256 Wed. April 9 4:00p Career Development Center

If you would like to participate in a 30-minute panel session, please choose a class section(s) that will work for you and contact Doug Hanvey at dhanvey@indiana.edu. A confirmation email will follow.