Hello! My name is Michelle Davenport and I am a student at Indiana University. In 2007, I developed a theatre program at Stone Belt which is a local agency that serves individuals with disabilities. I assisted 9 clients in writing personal monologues. These monologues were then performed by these clients on November 24th, 2008 at the Bloomington Playwright’s Project. I am graduating in August, but Stone Belt want to continue this theatre program. We are looking for 2-3 students to be the new directors. We want at least one of the directors to be a technical director. These students do not need to have any experience in the theatre or experience with individuals with disabilities. If you have any question please email me at msdavenp@indiana.edu. Applications are due March 6th at 5 pm. I will select ten students to be interviewed and then 2-3 students will be chosen by April 3rd.
Here is the application:
First Middle
Local Address:
Phone Number:
Campus Activities:
Past Theatre Experience:
Past Experience with individuals with disabilities:
Why are you interested in directing this project?
Why do you think you should be selected?
What is your biggest accomplishment?
What are 3 interesting facts about you?
Thanks you for applying, please visit stonebelt.org to find out more information about these individuals and the facility.