Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Achieving Success After My Dream Failed to Come True

Wednesday, April 8 at 7:30 pm
Indiana Memorial Union, Whittenberger Auditorium,

Award-winning filmmaker Steven Montgomery (“Hobie’s Heroes,” “ Morocco : The Past and Present of Djemma le Fna”) will recount his journey from Indiana to New York with a goal to change the world, describing his adventures in the film business and the valuable lessons he learned. Concluding with a screening of “Hobie’s Heroes,” about I.U.’s Olympic diving coach Hobie Billingsley, which has recently been honored at film festivals in Italy, India, Poland and Iran.

For more information, please see: http://www.indiana.edu/~imupromo/things_to_do/union_board/films.shtml

As you know, all students have dreams, and this presentation addresses their hopes and fears about leaving I.U. and entering the “real world.”

If you have any questions about my presentation, please feel free to contact me. Again, I would be grateful if you would encourage your students to attend.

Thank you.

Steven Montgomery
Producer of Hobie’s Heroes – 25th Anniversary Edition
400 West 43rd Street, 34A
New York, NY 10036
Tel./Fax 212-736-9279
Cell 646-267-9113
E-mail: sfmonty@att.net