Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Friday meeting re: online simulated environment as learning tool for civic engagement

‘Oceana: A Virtual Democracy’
Friday, September 10, 2:00-3:00 PM, Ballantine Hall 242
Refreshments will be served.

PACE, the program in Political and Civic Engagement, invites students interested in civic engagement, online simulated environments, and electronic communication to this meeting.

Hugh Kremer with WisdomTools.com will discuss OCEANA, a new online environment for practicing civic engagement skills.

WisdomTools would like to have IU students’ input as they develop the simulation under the auspices of grants from the AT&T Foundation, The MacArthur Foundation, the Pew Charitable Trusts, and the Center on Congress. Internship and other opportunities will be explained.

As described on the website, http://www.wisdomtools.com/projects/edu_oceana.html,
Oceana is designed to teach young people about
• The importance of participating in civic life and how to do it;
• What representative democracy is, why it is important, how it works, and how to make it work for them;
• How to learn about important issues that affect their lives and how to communicate clearly and persuasively about those issues;
• How to take action as an individual, and in collaboration with others, to affect change in their communities and the nation.