Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Student Body Supreme Court Vacancy

Are you interested in seeing how the IU judicial system works?
Thinking about applying to law school?

If so, you may be interested in serving on the Student Body Supreme Court of Indiana University. Due to a vacancy on the Court, we are currently accepting applications from all majors for an Associate Justice position for the 2010-2011 school year. You can download the application online at http://www.indiana.edu/~court/justices/applications.shtml. Applications are due on Friday, September 10, at 11:59pm via e-mail to court@indiana.edu. Please also feel free to contact the Court at this email address if you have questions.

What is the Student Body Supreme Court?
The Court is the judicial branch of the Indiana University Student Association (IUSA). Court members hear appealed judicial board cases, acting as student representatives on three-person judicial hearing commissions. The Court confirms the new IUSA executive administration each year and makes decisions regarding IUSA campaign issues and election results. Additionally, each year the Court hosts a conference with campus judicial boards for the purposes of education on the campus judicial system. Court members also serve on student appointees on advisory boards across campus. The Court is unique in that its decisions have the potential to impact the entire IU-Bloomington community. We encourage you to apply and look forward to receiving your application.