Wednesday, February 23, 2011

GLLC-G220 Globalization and Corporate Social Responsability (2nd 8-weeks, S&H, 3cr., TR 3:35-5:35)

GLLC-G220 Globalization and Corporate Social Responsibilities will be offered Spring 2011 2nd 8-weeks. In addition to being vetted by this Global Village Faculty Advisory Board as an outstanding course, this course offers:

* small class size (max. 25 students)

* S&H distribution credit

* taught in the Global Village, Foster Quad, Northwest Neighborhood

* GLLC-G220 (29424) Globalization and Corporate Social Responsibilities (3 cr.) (S&H) (TR, 3:35-5:35, FQ012A) Haiyan Liu Multinational corporations (MNCs) are exerting more and more significant impact on every aspect of our everyday lives in an increasingly globalizing world, including contributing to our current economic crisis. This course will start with cases illustrating MNCs' globalizing strategies, and the implications of this globalizing process. What responsibilities do the increasingly powerful and outreaching MNCs have to its stakeholders: consumers, employees, governments, the environment, and the public? We will use specific cases to examine the role of MNCs in perpetuating or alleviating some of the negative consequences of globalization. Finally, we will compare various proposals to define and address the social responsibilities of MNCs.