Monday, February 21, 2011

Recovery Engagement Center Looking for Film Intern

The Recovery Engagement Center is a facility that focuses on making recovery a reality. We take what we know about addiction, recovery, and community resources to empower addicts that have fallen through the cracks of traditional recovery approaches. These approaches include criminal justice systems, medical, Department of Mental Health and Addiction, even 12 steps and faith based systems. We believe that the process of recovery is different for everyone and are seeking to work one on one with individuals in order to help them achieve life time sobriety.

We would like to make a short documentary sharing some of our client’s stories as well as the REC’s model of approaching addiction and recovery. Our hope is to help local community partners, as well as the Department of Mental Health and Addiction of Indiana better understand this model of recovery and implement it in more facilities. We would deeply appreciate partnering with Indiana University’s Communication and Culture Department to make this vision a reality.

For more information, contact Alyson S. Winter at