Do you want to write about movies, TV, arts, comics,
literature or other art forms? Do you want to get your foot in the door and
enter the big-wide world of the online media and have your work read and shared
by millions of readers? We invite you to The Artifice:
The Artifice is an online magazine that covers a wide
spectrum of art forms. We do not run The Artifice, you do. The Artifice is
collaboratively built and maintained by your fellow writers. It is structured
to let you focus on the quality of the content while it deals with the exposure
of it to an audience of millions.
The Artifice does not work quite the same as other
publishing platforms.
For example, the first question you may ask is “What are
you looking for?”
At The Artifice, your fellow writers ask you instead:
“What are you an expert on? What are you passionate about?”
You can write about a whole host of things for pleasure,
passion and/or to boost your CV with vital experience in this ever competitive
media environment.
We have application open for a limited amount of time, so
grab the opportunity and join our team of writers: