Thursday, June 27, 2013

COAS in Washington D.C.

Communication and Culture Majors,
IU College of Arts and Sciences is piloting a program this summer to connect current students interning in Washington DC this summer with one another and alumni! IU College ofArts and Sciences in Washington DC will put together events throughout the summer (baseball games, lunches, misc outings, etc.) for Indiana students interning in DC. The program will also connect students with the IU alumni living in the greater DC area. The goal of the program is to expand your DC network, provide you with future career opportunities, and encourage students in the future to work in DC for the summer. 
If you're currently interning/working in DC for the summer please email with your name, email address, and place of employment, once we get a roster of names you'll be contacted about upcoming events!
Looking forward!
Samantha Levinson
Indiana University
Political Science