Friday, October 30, 2009

D/evolution FIlm Series

Something Somewhere went terribly wrong!

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Communication and Culture
and the
College of Arts and Sciences
Themester 2009

The Wild Child (1970) 1798: In a forest, some countrymen catch a wild child who can not walk, speak, read neither write. The Doctor Itard is interested by the child, and starts to educate him. Everybody thinks he will fail, but with a lot of love and patience, he manages to obtain results... This is a true story.

End of August at the Hotel Ozone (1966): Nuclear war has destroyed most of civilization. A pack of wild girls search for males who can give them children. THE END OF THE AUGUST AT HOTEL OZONE offers a chilling look at the future of humanity.

Woodburn Hall 120
Sunday, November 1, 2009