Thursday, October 20, 2011

"The In/Visibility of America's 21st Century Wars" Presents Dr. Michael Shapiro

On Thursday, October 27,2011 at 7pm in the Fine Arts Auditorium (FA 015), Dr. Michael Shapiro will deliver a lecture, "War and the Arts: A Politics of Aesthetic Subjectivity." This is the second lecture in "The In/Visibility of America's 21st Century Wars" series.

Dr. Shapiro's lecture will be drawn from his current book project, “Studies in Trans-disciplinary Method: After the Aesthetic Turn.” This project’s primary conceptual contribution involves displacing psychological subjects with aesthetic subjects. He discusses a variety of applications, among which are applications to the relationship between the arts and war after 9/11. In those applications his questions have been fourfold: In what sense is contemporary war present (and for whom); what roles does the arts play in that presence, what grammars must we heed to appreciate arts-war-presence relationships, and finally, what is at stake in the ways in which warring violence will have been represented?

"The In/Visibility of America's 21st Century Wars" is a lecture series concerned with the paradox of a highly visualized contemporary American experience of war that is, on the one hand, ubiquitous and utterly present in public, popular culture; and on the other hand, invisible or absent, with no tangible sense that "America" is at war. This series is part of Themester, and is sponsored by the Institute for Advanced Study Remak New Knowledge Seminar, College Arts and Humanities Institute, Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs, Cultural Studies Program, and the Departments of Communication and Culture, Gender Studies, and Political Science.

For further information about this event or the series in general, please contact James Paasche at or Jon Simons at