Area of Internship: Marketing
Date of Internship: January 10-April 30
Location of Internship: Bloomington, IN
Brief Description of Company or Organization: Rock Paper
Scissors is a marketing and publicity company for world music. Artists
contact the company and Rock Paper Scissor's job is to get that artist name out
there. They only accept about half of the Artist that contact them,
because they want high quality if there company's name is going to be behind
the artist. The company is based in Bloomington but they have clients
from all types of genres all over the world. They have had work published
in sources such as The Rolling Stones, National Public Radio, New York Times
syndicate, Billboard, CMJ and many more. Rock Paper Scissors provides
promotion for various artist through extended mediums.
Brief Description of Internship Responsibilities: My responsibilities as an intern will be
to send out demos of artists to different media companies, maintain social
media for Rock Paper Scissors, search for new and upcoming artists that could
be potential clients, maintain the company's website and learn the overall
responsibilities of maintaining the company.
Contact Information:
Address: 511 W. 4th St. Bloomington, IN 47404
Phone: 812-339-1195